Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Monday, December 14, 2015

Geeks: a love story

 In order to keep my mind fresh and interested in writing, even though I will never stop philosophizing, I decided to see how the world sees us the modern geek. We know how we see ourselves, just go to any ComicCon or Starbucks since so many of us don't use mirrors, but we know what everyone else looks like. Now not all of us are the best examples of what it is to be a geek/nerd, but there is one thing that remains true for every geek: you all love yourselves. You may not know how to feel about about many things, you probably don't care about what other people think, but one thing is for sure whatever you are you are proud of it and shut anyone down who tries to make fun of your hand made Chewbacca sports coat. Let that laughing looser see what it is like to stay up all night and hand stitch the lining so that all the girls at the comic book shop mistake you for Teen Wolf because your mom has been feeding you a low carb diet. No matter what, geeks really do love themselves, and will out craft anybody to prove this point. So when I called this a geek love story, I must apologize to all the people who thought that this was going to be about two star crossed lovers, it's not. It's about all the freaks and individualists who stand up every day telling the judgmental world to shove it because they are happy ignoring this judgmental world, they just love themselves.

  While scrolling through internet images I was greatly confused by the modern media's interpretation of what a geek looks like and how they picked some of the weirdest distortions of what we really wear and look like. In the following picture they think we are fashion models who wear garbage can lid/pizza pans on our head while wearing Andy Worhol's pajamas. Clearly they did not make these garbage can lids to look like Millennium Falcons, and they should have used a fabric pattern that represented R2D2, 3CPO, or at least a Jedi robe. Also, I can't tell if the picture just has weird shadowing, but the models almost look dirty in that homeless kind of way, but even if a geek was homeless they would at least be wearing enough character makeup to not look homeless. This is not the self love that personifies modern geekdom.

   Then as I was scrolling, they kept on showing me pictures of horned rimmed glasses, as if so long as you have over sized spectacles then you were automatically a geek. No test, no sample of crafting capability, no real proof that the glass was prescription. Then they had movie stars and other random skinny models dressing like normal people and the older version of Andy Worhol, and all were wearing horned rimmed glasses. I'm sure that not half of them even needed those glasses or that they even had glass in the frames. Also, only Diane Keaton and all old men from the same era as Andy Worhol dress like this.

This is not geek, these are girls dressed up like their middle-aged college professors and wearing their smart sister's glasses, the fat pimple covered sister who got into Yale. I know that so many of us own mirrors that we don't use because in modern times we have installed mirrors in every bathroom in America, but now even the modern world is missing the point of why we don't use these mirrors. We don't use them because we only like to look at each other. (Side note: mirrors are only used for applying body makeup for dress up, and to see if the pleating looks right on the back side of your new Dr. Who costume.)  It is an emotional roller coaster ride to stay on top of the personal expression climb, of who can be the nerd standing on the tallest peak of Geek mountain. People must envy our hand made Batman Rockabilly dress, and not whatever those girls in the previous picture are wearing.

  Also there seems to be a misconception that geeks are plain dowdy creatures who dress like their grandfathers and college professors. This next picture proves that we can also be redneck hippies with gym memberships when we are not writing computer code, re-designing data systems, and programming microwave clocks for senior citizens. Just more proof we can get our play ON!

Also, in this search to be #1 self loving individual at the top of geek mountain, for all the things that we don't say, our clothing usually does most of our talking for us. We know that we are living in a world that is walking around with ear buds constantly in our ears, of course we know this we made this part of the world, and because of these anti-social behaviors that we love our clothing must speak for us, since we don't like actually talking to anyone that's isn't in a chat room.

   Our unique collection of clothing tells the world what we want to say, since we are too socially awkward to ask you for your number so that we can text you about it. A few of us have broken through the mold and have built blogs with followers who have had constant contact with the outside world in a two way conversation, but the few cannot speak for the many. So our feelings, ideas, and personal desires are printed, sewn, and crafted onto our bodies and into our lives then we let our freak flags fly in the biggest gatherings where we know no one will look us in the eye: ComicCon.

  This is what the world thinks we look like: a skinny model who is anorexic with good bone structure, black horn rimmed glasses (without the glass), a bow tie, and wears a color pallet that Martha Stewart would be proud of. I would not trust this guy to work in tech support and I don't think he chose these clothes for himself and really really don't think he made any part of this. This outfit doesn't even have any moving, flashing, or light up parts. So sad that the outside modern media thinks so much less of us compared to how much we think about ourselves. They have no idea how much time we put into looking like ourselves while this outfit looks like he took a five minute walk through the old man section at Macy's with Martha Stewart who believes that faded grape toned purples are in season.

  Now these are people who I would trust working in tech support (they had to troubleshoot how to make those rockin' costumes, they know what hard work is, they can virus scan my computer any day they want...). They took the time to make these, means they have the patience of Yoda and will not have any problems finding the force....I mean online patch source for Windows. We all know they picked these items themselves and on purpose, and the guy even has real glass in his glasses. Even the girls light up the world with actual light and bright color without dressing like Andy Worhol. These are real geeks who obviously love themselves, now if only the real world would follow our lead and stop staring in the mirror so much and see what we really look like.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dirty Words, Dirty Thoughts...the muddy kind.

  Dandelion Mud Pies

  Since the creation of the world there was mud, filth, and primordial ooze in the existence of human kind. Wither you are a Bible thumping creationist or a brainwashed Darwinian, wither you believe in the dirt and water that God made to create mud or the ooze from which Darwin claims the first amoeba's crawled from: there has been unclean things. Shock I know, not everything in this world looks like it came from a Country Living catalog or a movie director's recreation of the Garden of Eden. Then have been people throughout history who feel the excessive need to point out all things dirty, muddy, and profain.

  Now I am not just talking about actual mud, uncleanliness, or lack of perfection: I am talking about swearing. To this day it still confuses me why people feel the need to tell other people that select words are bad or 'dirty'. What committee got together and chose which words all the grandmother's of the world would threaten to wash all of our mouths out with soap if we used these words. This does not really apply to all the words that have racist or hateful meanings, because when they are used we have no doubt that the person using these words are hateful and racist. But why must one person control the words that come out of someone else's mouth?

  The only foundation to support this theory goes back to the Bible when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments which included the rule about not taking the Lord God's name in vain and a scripture about only thinking about good things. I can agree with giving a God respect, but what if you are not Christian? Even if all the words relating to gods were removed, what about all the other profanity? I know there's an uppity old lady out there somewhere who gives a fuck to tell me to not say fuck. I know that there are thousands of people of color who have no issue using the word nigger between each other. Also I know that every real woman on planet earth has a twot and a why should I care? And I really don't care if I am called a bitch...which only means female dog....and I'm really really sure that female dogs don't care either that they are being compared to female humans daily.

  The only protection from the busybody brigade, know-it-all grandmother's, the control freak grandfather's, and the morally bound parents of the world who think that they are truly making a difference by controlling the word selection of their children is the Second Amendment. (Wonder if the founding fathers thought that this little piece of legislation was a bloody stroke of genius...hell yeah.) I think it is also very strange that the social manipulators of the world are so worried about profanity that they are ignoring the politically correct words coming out of politicians mouths that turn into legislation then higher amounts of taxation with little or no representation. They would rather start a war in their own homes over a verbal utterance like: fuck, mother fucker, shit, bullocks, damn, bloody, hell, bitch, twot, cunt, tits, dick, suck, crap, and sometimes the racists words (cracker, spic,nigger, jap...etc); instead of starting a war at home maybe they should be care about the words that actually control their daily lives like: national security, government(s), taxation, amendments, bombings, shootings, tornado, tsunami, earthquake, coo, murder, genocide, starvation, fire, and all the other real things that are happening to people and not a person who is speaking freely.

  Ever wonder how much free time would be leftover if people stopped trying to control all of the stupid little things that happen everyday. I would rather smack the words out of certain politicians mouth instead of muddy mouthed teenager who's words don't effect my paycheck, ability to retire, or if my country is going to war again. I don't give a fuck or a shit what the control freaks have to say about my language, but they are not allowed to take away my free speech by always needing to be offended. This is a whole new blog subject about people who need to be offended all the time, they are more than you know, but I will save this for another time.

 What I still have problems with understanding is why people seem to get additionally more upset based on what the words mean. Language is a living thing within any society, and the meanings of words have changed over time as well as the attitude they are meant to show. For example if you ask a preschool teach who is surrounded by bureaucracy and brainwashing children everyday if the word 'sucks' is a bad word then she would say yes it is, while those of us in the adult world use it to say that something bad and no one thinks twice about it. But then the same teacher has been told that words like stupid, poopyhead, and moron are banned because they are used for students to tear each other down. Those words are actually used in the right context instead of when an adult gets cut off in traffic and yells 'fuck'. The word fuck means 'to have intercourse with'....what does this have to with the guy who cut you off in traffic? I don't really think intercourse had anything to with why his driving is so bad or why you could not out maneuver him. This is why slang is a gift from the ignorant in our society, because in the slang dictionary fuck means something was messed with or a person who says this word is mad or upset. What is so wrong about saying that you are mad or upset? A lot of problems in the world are caused by poor communication least bullshit is still bullshit. As the words indicate: bullshit means poop from a male cow, a substance that is biodegradable from a male cow. This term is used on farms when fertilizing fields.....and when one person is telling another person a lie, known as spreading bullshit. We may not fling actual poop at each other, but the words do have the same applied meaning. This only means that one person is calling another person a liar....still no problem by me, no harm no foul, just words.

  Now to get to all the other body part words...these are just more slang that has been mangled into meaning something else. If a guy is a dick it only means he is not nice or helpful to other people...and I hope he has a dick because he is a guy. What gets me is when a dude is called a twot and he is not gay....twot means vagina, but has become to something equal with dick. Also, if something is bad and someone says 'bloody hell', what makes it bloody or like hell? Usually this expression is used instead of fuck, and is used to show emotion through slang. So other than trying to control the words that are coming out of each other's mouths, I still see no need for this crap.

  The world is full of mud and the people who like to throw it, shoot it, bomb it, or wash it out of your mouth with soap. Does the type of terrorist matter since it does not change the fact that the person is acting like a terrorist? Fuck that shit, no one takes away my rights by needing to be offended all the time. Not playing that sadistic game, if you don't like what you hear then leave. I like my words, I like my dirty thoughts, and God still listens to me better than you do. God and I make mud can't come if you are only going to criticize my mud pies, stay home with your bar of soap. As the Bible does say: for the judgement you give so shall ye be judged. Go soap yourself.

Calf Cramps At Night Revisited

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Friends With Benefits

Men Moving a Couch Up Stairs

  When your co-workers find out that you own a vehicle that will fit the new love seat that they have to have inside of their own minds, you suddenly become a friend with benefits. Normally these are the same people who have problems remembering your exact name: like if your name is Brad they still some times call you Brian. All of a sudden you are the source for all of their answers. 

 It has been years since your worth has been valued this much....maybe not since the day that your were born and proved to be healthy with all of your fingers and toes. The first natural tendency is to basque in the glory of being something to somebody, when those two seconds are over with, you move on to protecting your time, your property, and your lifting capability. These are all the things expected in exchange for a few nice words and a quick smile. All of a sudden your life is filled with things that are more important than feeding starving children in Calcutta like Mother call this 'washing your hair' or 'house sitting your neighbors elderly cat with bowl problems', also known as anything that sounds plausible and can't be found out to be a bold faced lie. 

Some people would say why not just tell the truth and tell your co-worker that you are not interested in using your gas, your time, and your muscle to lug a two seat couch up a flight of stairs because you are waiting for them to evicted instead because of all the other things you have heard coming out of their mouth. As much joy as it is verbally slapping people in the face, house sitting a fake neighbors cat with bowl problems is starting to feel so much better than 'hells bells no way and here's why...'.

 Then there are those who can't take a hint, a tip, or a guided tour to the answer of 'no'. They beg, they nag, they stalk, they know when and where you will be because you both work at the same place. This is when you start to feel like Mother Theresa even though you have done nothing to help anyone, you too have fought the devil in the name of oppression and have won the daily battle in the name of good against evil. Based on the amount of whining, begging, and daily pleas of need, you are almost positive that those starving children in Calcutta complained less. This is when you reaffirm to yourself that adults are suppose to take care of themselves and that you are not the only person in the USA with a vehicle that can move a love seat. Now you are just waiting out the siege.
  Eventually this person should move on to someone else...theoretically. Or you get promoted because your boss is impressed by your new dedication to your job as way to stay as busy as you publicly claim to be and then really don't have time for any of your former goofing off....maybe you should have moved the least then you could still goof off.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Big In The U.ASS.A.

 Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a replyCartoon Donkey Clipart

 We all work hard, some work really hard, and then there are those who work extra hard trying to do things that will let them work smarter and not harder. There is that old joke from the short lived TV show In Living Color, "How many job ya got mon?" Then the other person would respond that he had three jobs. The group would laugh and say that the man was lazy then move onto the next guy who had five jobs. Generally the joke was the most poverty stricken people or the ones fresh off the boat from Ellis Island could only get crappy part time jobs so they always had more than one. Personally I have been known to juggle three jobs at the same time while looking for one good job that never happened.

  Everyone tries to make their lives better, everyone tries to work hard enough to find a happy medium between doing and not doing so much that we don't miss out on the some of the happier moments. Many believe in the concept of 'only wanting a happy life', and some just work harder than others to get something they could call happiness....for some the jury is still out on that one.

  For one thing I have been seeing a trend in our society, the more free government hand outs people get the unhappier they become. It is no longer about simply getting the hand out but all the other drama created surrounding it. People who do not have jobs need something to fill their lives, so they complain about the free hand outs that they have been given (it wasn't fast enough, it was the wrong color, the person who gave it to them was rude...etc). Now with 40% of the population supporting the other 60% we are breeding whiny self entitled people who think they have money to spend. In reality they have your money to spend, and they want to maximize the worth of that money by getting as much stuff for free with that money. For example, if these government funded babies go out to eat (at the place where I work) then they will complain until whole entrees have been removed from the bill and then will not tip because they are on a set monthly budget. This is the kind of society our government is creating. Or when I am working hard to sell things online, they buy things continually asking for refunds because they wanted the experience of shopping but can't afford a car to go try on clothes since it is cheaper to harass online sellers. I want this on my tombstone 'I like selling to men because they  know what they want. Women are clueless'. I am not complaining about giving refunds, but if you know that you are a 2XL and just want to see if the XL fits, do not waste my time for me to ship it just to let you try it on. (Side note FYI, damaged inventory from fat ladies cannot be sold again and eBay will always take their side and not yours.) 
  This problem has been growing all over our country, we are the lazy asses of America, we are Big in the U. ASS.A. All of these lazy, find a problem with everything people need a little less drama and a little more hunger in their lives.....a hunger to improve or actual hunger because if you don't work you should not weigh 400lbs. Wither is it at my restaurant job or at home trying to be an entrepreneur, all I want for all the whiny bitchy babies is to leave me alone....but America is now a breeding grounds for the self entitled to my tax dollars. Another true statistic that comes to mind that gives me an odd sense of joy, at least people are being convinced that they are too broke to have babies. Not sure which sector this is working more on, but jobs would limit the breeding of child related hand outs. If you at work you ain't screwing....jus' sayin'. If you have a job then maybe you can tip your waitress.

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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Geeks On A Mission Of Love

  Let me explain the title, this is really about what people are willing to do for the thing that they love and I mean fictitious heroes. This is also about what the geeks and nerds will do to pretend that they are their imaginary this dude who made his own functional Batman costume.......(almost jealous).
College Student Makes His Own Fully Functional Batman Suit

This is one step above your typical Captain America t-shirt bought at Walmart with a stocking face mask. Yet this has been a trend since the 1990's and a growing business for artists and inventors who figure out how to make this science from comics come to life. This is not unlike what happened with the Jules Vern classic 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, since this book was written before submarines were an ordinary concept and people had just gotten over the fact that the earth was not flat and you could not fall over the edge.
  Guess it is also good to know that if you want to a be Transformer you can! For $330 you can have this highly detailed creation from and be the envy of the three people you attend all the comic con's with.

  The industry also has the same quality of fantasy clothing for women....

Star Wars Stormtrooper Adult Costume

See I knew Storm Troopers where really blond robo cops gone wrong and made this a classy photo shoot by making the model wear platform heels.

  But if you are more of a die hard DIY kind of person then this link will make your heart melt:

DIY Iron Man Suit

And here I thought that the Mona Lisa took some time to create....all hail the mighty re-constructionist! I am in awe of the time spent to figure this 3-D puzzle out.

Then of course there are those who I personally know and they are also in love with anime...

All of this work almost makes my past efforts look minuscule by comparison....

Guess some people are just more into playing pretend than others.

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Cheap: the other paying job.

  Tightwads Among Us  Tightwads, Spendthrifts, and Everyone Else

  During the Depression people had to cut back on everything, this was when good stewardship and rationing were the keys to survival. All the things they did to live cheap was just as important as the jobs they begged for. People didn't just run out to Starbucks for a $5 cup of coffee, they either only bought coffee by the cup when it was cold outside or if they had a way to make it at home. Now a days financial experts encourage us in modern times to save the $5 and put it towards the big expenses in our lives because every dollar still counts coming from an age when every penny counted.

  People can choose to live 'cheaply' and some people are forced to live on less, and most of this doesn't matter. Being cheap for the sake of being stingy doesn't really do much, and being cheap because you are broke all the time from lack of good stewardship over your life also does not do any good in this world. Yet if you are actually using the extra pennies in your life to make permanent changes then this is actually serving a purpose. Then the tightwad cheapness is not a miserly view of the world after all.

  If personal habits were truly analyzed with a 'just do it yourself' attitude then most of what we do to save money is a very important job, and could be considered self employment. If you stop yourself from going out to eat how much money did you save? If you don't pay for a lawn service how much over the course of the summer did you save? If you get out of your lazy mind and plan on just doing things for yourself how much money would you save? (Excludes those with actual physical and limited mental disabilities, and not the selectively lazy.) Most of the time it adds up to keeping a part time job to stop yourself from spending money.

  Most people don't realize that if you don't spend unnecessary money you don't have to work as hard to make more money. If all of your basic earthly necessities are taken care of then you don't have to work extra for the unnecessary things that the shopping channel will offer you. It is not a rule or law that every extra dollar go toward 'savings', but if you are questioning if you can pay the water bill then you should not be buying Starbucks or anything else. You should be at home filling up empty containers in case you need to start living like actual Africans who keep their water supply in buckets when your supply gets shut off (I suggest learning about the wash cloth bath, save water).

  This can also be linked to self entitlement issues (definition: someone who thinks they are worth a set level of entitlement), and trust me the water company will not agree that you are entitled to water if you don't pay the bill. This is not about ignoring some pampering in life, but when you are trying to save money and eat in a restaurant everyday then I will not believe that you are serious about saving money or making better things happen in your life with your savings. If you do something every day then this is called a habit and habits can be broken so long as there are not entitlement issues. This can be compared to all the people on Welfare (the 60% of Americans) who are living off of the 'rich' people (also known as you me and Warren Buffet, we are supporting the 40% who don't work). I know that this is a politically sensitive subject, but I am only referring to all the people I know who can work and pretend that they can't. They have major self entitlement issues. If they had a few less entitlement issues and got jobs, I wonder how much money it would save me annually in taxes? I could probably buy a new car. Controlling entitlement issues is a part time job that directly pays yourself to be more aware of your own behaviors. I know that I can save 50-75% of my money by not going out to eat all the time (excludes special times), I know that the library is free, and I don't have any false ideas about my self worth. Then this becomes about valuing myself and not giving additional value to a business when it comes to controlling my money. Starbucks does not control my money. Also, as a public service to restaurants everywhere, if you can't afford more than a $3 tip on any amount of food then DON'T GO OUT TO EAT. Please read one of my other blogs called $3 For 3 Minutes to get my opinion on this subject. Just more hooker money baby!

(Cheap We Trust is actually a good book to read.)

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