Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Big In The U.ASS.A.

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 We all work hard, some work really hard, and then there are those who work extra hard trying to do things that will let them work smarter and not harder. There is that old joke from the short lived TV show In Living Color, "How many job ya got mon?" Then the other person would respond that he had three jobs. The group would laugh and say that the man was lazy then move onto the next guy who had five jobs. Generally the joke was the most poverty stricken people or the ones fresh off the boat from Ellis Island could only get crappy part time jobs so they always had more than one. Personally I have been known to juggle three jobs at the same time while looking for one good job that never happened.

  Everyone tries to make their lives better, everyone tries to work hard enough to find a happy medium between doing and not doing so much that we don't miss out on the some of the happier moments. Many believe in the concept of 'only wanting a happy life', and some just work harder than others to get something they could call happiness....for some the jury is still out on that one.

  For one thing I have been seeing a trend in our society, the more free government hand outs people get the unhappier they become. It is no longer about simply getting the hand out but all the other drama created surrounding it. People who do not have jobs need something to fill their lives, so they complain about the free hand outs that they have been given (it wasn't fast enough, it was the wrong color, the person who gave it to them was rude...etc). Now with 40% of the population supporting the other 60% we are breeding whiny self entitled people who think they have money to spend. In reality they have your money to spend, and they want to maximize the worth of that money by getting as much stuff for free with that money. For example, if these government funded babies go out to eat (at the place where I work) then they will complain until whole entrees have been removed from the bill and then will not tip because they are on a set monthly budget. This is the kind of society our government is creating. Or when I am working hard to sell things online, they buy things continually asking for refunds because they wanted the experience of shopping but can't afford a car to go try on clothes since it is cheaper to harass online sellers. I want this on my tombstone 'I like selling to men because they  know what they want. Women are clueless'. I am not complaining about giving refunds, but if you know that you are a 2XL and just want to see if the XL fits, do not waste my time for me to ship it just to let you try it on. (Side note FYI, damaged inventory from fat ladies cannot be sold again and eBay will always take their side and not yours.) 
  This problem has been growing all over our country, we are the lazy asses of America, we are Big in the U. ASS.A. All of these lazy, find a problem with everything people need a little less drama and a little more hunger in their lives.....a hunger to improve or actual hunger because if you don't work you should not weigh 400lbs. Wither is it at my restaurant job or at home trying to be an entrepreneur, all I want for all the whiny bitchy babies is to leave me alone....but America is now a breeding grounds for the self entitled to my tax dollars. Another true statistic that comes to mind that gives me an odd sense of joy, at least people are being convinced that they are too broke to have babies. Not sure which sector this is working more on, but jobs would limit the breeding of child related hand outs. If you at work you ain't screwing....jus' sayin'. If you have a job then maybe you can tip your waitress.

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