Monday, December 14, 2015

Geeks: a love story

 In order to keep my mind fresh and interested in writing, even though I will never stop philosophizing, I decided to see how the world sees us the modern geek. We know how we see ourselves, just go to any ComicCon or Starbucks since so many of us don't use mirrors, but we know what everyone else looks like. Now not all of us are the best examples of what it is to be a geek/nerd, but there is one thing that remains true for every geek: you all love yourselves. You may not know how to feel about about many things, you probably don't care about what other people think, but one thing is for sure whatever you are you are proud of it and shut anyone down who tries to make fun of your hand made Chewbacca sports coat. Let that laughing looser see what it is like to stay up all night and hand stitch the lining so that all the girls at the comic book shop mistake you for Teen Wolf because your mom has been feeding you a low carb diet. No matter what, geeks really do love themselves, and will out craft anybody to prove this point. So when I called this a geek love story, I must apologize to all the people who thought that this was going to be about two star crossed lovers, it's not. It's about all the freaks and individualists who stand up every day telling the judgmental world to shove it because they are happy ignoring this judgmental world, they just love themselves.

  While scrolling through internet images I was greatly confused by the modern media's interpretation of what a geek looks like and how they picked some of the weirdest distortions of what we really wear and look like. In the following picture they think we are fashion models who wear garbage can lid/pizza pans on our head while wearing Andy Worhol's pajamas. Clearly they did not make these garbage can lids to look like Millennium Falcons, and they should have used a fabric pattern that represented R2D2, 3CPO, or at least a Jedi robe. Also, I can't tell if the picture just has weird shadowing, but the models almost look dirty in that homeless kind of way, but even if a geek was homeless they would at least be wearing enough character makeup to not look homeless. This is not the self love that personifies modern geekdom.

   Then as I was scrolling, they kept on showing me pictures of horned rimmed glasses, as if so long as you have over sized spectacles then you were automatically a geek. No test, no sample of crafting capability, no real proof that the glass was prescription. Then they had movie stars and other random skinny models dressing like normal people and the older version of Andy Worhol, and all were wearing horned rimmed glasses. I'm sure that not half of them even needed those glasses or that they even had glass in the frames. Also, only Diane Keaton and all old men from the same era as Andy Worhol dress like this.

This is not geek, these are girls dressed up like their middle-aged college professors and wearing their smart sister's glasses, the fat pimple covered sister who got into Yale. I know that so many of us own mirrors that we don't use because in modern times we have installed mirrors in every bathroom in America, but now even the modern world is missing the point of why we don't use these mirrors. We don't use them because we only like to look at each other. (Side note: mirrors are only used for applying body makeup for dress up, and to see if the pleating looks right on the back side of your new Dr. Who costume.)  It is an emotional roller coaster ride to stay on top of the personal expression climb, of who can be the nerd standing on the tallest peak of Geek mountain. People must envy our hand made Batman Rockabilly dress, and not whatever those girls in the previous picture are wearing.

  Also there seems to be a misconception that geeks are plain dowdy creatures who dress like their grandfathers and college professors. This next picture proves that we can also be redneck hippies with gym memberships when we are not writing computer code, re-designing data systems, and programming microwave clocks for senior citizens. Just more proof we can get our play ON!

Also, in this search to be #1 self loving individual at the top of geek mountain, for all the things that we don't say, our clothing usually does most of our talking for us. We know that we are living in a world that is walking around with ear buds constantly in our ears, of course we know this we made this part of the world, and because of these anti-social behaviors that we love our clothing must speak for us, since we don't like actually talking to anyone that's isn't in a chat room.

   Our unique collection of clothing tells the world what we want to say, since we are too socially awkward to ask you for your number so that we can text you about it. A few of us have broken through the mold and have built blogs with followers who have had constant contact with the outside world in a two way conversation, but the few cannot speak for the many. So our feelings, ideas, and personal desires are printed, sewn, and crafted onto our bodies and into our lives then we let our freak flags fly in the biggest gatherings where we know no one will look us in the eye: ComicCon.

  This is what the world thinks we look like: a skinny model who is anorexic with good bone structure, black horn rimmed glasses (without the glass), a bow tie, and wears a color pallet that Martha Stewart would be proud of. I would not trust this guy to work in tech support and I don't think he chose these clothes for himself and really really don't think he made any part of this. This outfit doesn't even have any moving, flashing, or light up parts. So sad that the outside modern media thinks so much less of us compared to how much we think about ourselves. They have no idea how much time we put into looking like ourselves while this outfit looks like he took a five minute walk through the old man section at Macy's with Martha Stewart who believes that faded grape toned purples are in season.

  Now these are people who I would trust working in tech support (they had to troubleshoot how to make those rockin' costumes, they know what hard work is, they can virus scan my computer any day they want...). They took the time to make these, means they have the patience of Yoda and will not have any problems finding the force....I mean online patch source for Windows. We all know they picked these items themselves and on purpose, and the guy even has real glass in his glasses. Even the girls light up the world with actual light and bright color without dressing like Andy Worhol. These are real geeks who obviously love themselves, now if only the real world would follow our lead and stop staring in the mirror so much and see what we really look like.

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