Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dirty Words, Dirty Thoughts...the muddy kind.

  Dandelion Mud Pies

  Since the creation of the world there was mud, filth, and primordial ooze in the existence of human kind. Wither you are a Bible thumping creationist or a brainwashed Darwinian, wither you believe in the dirt and water that God made to create mud or the ooze from which Darwin claims the first amoeba's crawled from: there has been unclean things. Shock I know, not everything in this world looks like it came from a Country Living catalog or a movie director's recreation of the Garden of Eden. Then have been people throughout history who feel the excessive need to point out all things dirty, muddy, and profain.

  Now I am not just talking about actual mud, uncleanliness, or lack of perfection: I am talking about swearing. To this day it still confuses me why people feel the need to tell other people that select words are bad or 'dirty'. What committee got together and chose which words all the grandmother's of the world would threaten to wash all of our mouths out with soap if we used these words. This does not really apply to all the words that have racist or hateful meanings, because when they are used we have no doubt that the person using these words are hateful and racist. But why must one person control the words that come out of someone else's mouth?

  The only foundation to support this theory goes back to the Bible when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments which included the rule about not taking the Lord God's name in vain and a scripture about only thinking about good things. I can agree with giving a God respect, but what if you are not Christian? Even if all the words relating to gods were removed, what about all the other profanity? I know there's an uppity old lady out there somewhere who gives a fuck to tell me to not say fuck. I know that there are thousands of people of color who have no issue using the word nigger between each other. Also I know that every real woman on planet earth has a twot and a cunt....so why should I care? And I really don't care if I am called a bitch...which only means female dog....and I'm really really sure that female dogs don't care either that they are being compared to female humans daily.

  The only protection from the busybody brigade, know-it-all grandmother's, the control freak grandfather's, and the morally bound parents of the world who think that they are truly making a difference by controlling the word selection of their children is the Second Amendment. (Wonder if the founding fathers thought that this little piece of legislation was a bloody stroke of genius...hell yeah.) I think it is also very strange that the social manipulators of the world are so worried about profanity that they are ignoring the politically correct words coming out of politicians mouths that turn into legislation then higher amounts of taxation with little or no representation. They would rather start a war in their own homes over a verbal utterance like: fuck, mother fucker, shit, bullocks, damn, bloody, hell, bitch, twot, cunt, tits, dick, suck, crap, and sometimes the racists words (cracker, spic,nigger, jap...etc); instead of starting a war at home maybe they should be care about the words that actually control their daily lives like: national security, government(s), taxation, amendments, bombings, shootings, tornado, tsunami, earthquake, coo, murder, genocide, starvation, fire, and all the other real things that are happening to people and not a person who is speaking freely.

  Ever wonder how much free time would be leftover if people stopped trying to control all of the stupid little things that happen everyday. I would rather smack the words out of certain politicians mouth instead of muddy mouthed teenager who's words don't effect my paycheck, ability to retire, or if my country is going to war again. I don't give a fuck or a shit what the control freaks have to say about my language, but they are not allowed to take away my free speech by always needing to be offended. This is a whole new blog subject about people who need to be offended all the time, they are more than you know, but I will save this for another time.

 What I still have problems with understanding is why people seem to get additionally more upset based on what the words mean. Language is a living thing within any society, and the meanings of words have changed over time as well as the attitude they are meant to show. For example if you ask a preschool teach who is surrounded by bureaucracy and brainwashing children everyday if the word 'sucks' is a bad word then she would say yes it is, while those of us in the adult world use it to say that something bad and no one thinks twice about it. But then the same teacher has been told that words like stupid, poopyhead, and moron are banned because they are used for students to tear each other down. Those words are actually used in the right context instead of when an adult gets cut off in traffic and yells 'fuck'. The word fuck means 'to have intercourse with'....what does this have to with the guy who cut you off in traffic? I don't really think intercourse had anything to with why his driving is so bad or why you could not out maneuver him. This is why slang is a gift from the ignorant in our society, because in the slang dictionary fuck means something was messed with or a person who says this word is mad or upset. What is so wrong about saying that you are mad or upset? A lot of problems in the world are caused by poor communication skills...at least bullshit is still bullshit. As the words indicate: bullshit means poop from a male cow, a substance that is biodegradable from a male cow. This term is used on farms when fertilizing fields.....and when one person is telling another person a lie, known as spreading bullshit. We may not fling actual poop at each other, but the words do have the same applied meaning. This only means that one person is calling another person a liar....still no problem by me, no harm no foul, just words.

  Now to get to all the other body part words...these are just more slang that has been mangled into meaning something else. If a guy is a dick it only means he is not nice or helpful to other people...and I hope he has a dick because he is a guy. What gets me is when a dude is called a twot and he is not gay....twot means vagina, but has become to something equal with dick. Also, if something is bad and someone says 'bloody hell', what makes it bloody or like hell? Usually this expression is used instead of fuck, and is used to show emotion through slang. So other than trying to control the words that are coming out of each other's mouths, I still see no need for this crap.

  The world is full of mud and the people who like to throw it, shoot it, bomb it, or wash it out of your mouth with soap. Does the type of terrorist matter since it does not change the fact that the person is acting like a terrorist? Fuck that shit, no one takes away my rights by needing to be offended all the time. Not playing that sadistic game, if you don't like what you hear then leave. I like my words, I like my dirty thoughts, and God still listens to me better than you do. God and I make mud pies....you can't come if you are only going to criticize my mud pies, stay home with your bar of soap. As the Bible does say: for the judgement you give so shall ye be judged. Go soap yourself.

Calf Cramps At Night Revisited

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